Highlights from Salone Internazionale Del Milano 2014

Now in it’s 53rd year, Salone Internazionale Del Milano (Milan Design Week) is a week long celebration of all things design-oriented. Here’s some hightlights from the week from our Kohler correspondent …

This year’s Salone Bagno sees copper and metallics making an appearance in the bathroom – prompted by their growing popularity in homewares and decorative elements for other areas of the home.

Bling, Swarovski crystals, over the top decoration and embellishment were present in basins and showering tapware – but in small quantities. While not overly popular in the Australian and New Zealand markets, this type of treatment is very much on trend in Russia.

Storage was a key feature on many stands with designers and manufacturers looking for ways to optimise space and reduce bathroom clutter. Usage of the wasted space in a drop-in bath seems an obvious idea – but until now has been so rarely seen.

Colour makes an appearance – in pops – but is nowhere near as prominent or prolific as in the previous shows.

And as a great example of the transition of bathroom PIECES into bathroom furniture check out the integrated marble bath and cabinetry shown below. One sleek sweep of marble that houses a bath, storage and bench space with a counter top basin.

While it may not be everyone’s favourite look, an interesting use of technology was the tiles made of transparent glass over genuine leather and aluminium.