Mark Bickerstaffe and the future of bathroom design in Australia & New Zealand.

Kohler’s UK-based director of new product development EMEA and Asia Pacific, Mark Bickerstaffe, recently visited Australia and New Zealand as part of an ongoing R&D program aimed at maintaining Kohler Co,’s position at the forefront of innovative bathroom design in Australasia.

He made the following observations:

It is clear that location is no barrier to creativity. Bathroom design thinking and aspiration in Australia and New Zealand is as current and advanced as the best worldwide. There’s a uniqueness in lifestyle, environment and materials which can add a unique twist – color and material combinations, the use of light, space and the great outdoors – these are being harnessed to create some amazing, vibrant rooms in keeping with the spirit of the place.

There’s a soulfulness about much of what’s coming out of Europe and America at the moment because of the economic and political turmoil. Design is thoughtful as a result. This is at odds with the optimism and future-first attitude in Asia and other high growth markets where what’s required is expressive, positive new design. There could be a big difference in what these markets desire in the future, once these emerging markets re-discover their own design identity and stop adopting other markets’ design as their aspiration. ‘Leadership’ in design is on an interesting journey.

Australasia is somewhere in-between and I urge and hope that design in and for this region remains optimistic, bright and full of attitude as it is today.

It has been refreshing to talk to Australians and New Zealanders during this trip and find them in tune with the same design directions we have been exploring.